Thursday, 7 January 2016

Grebe and Teal

A quieter seawatch from Whitburn this morning. The weather was still foul, but there were fewer birds about.


Black-headed Gull    4n   55s
Shag    6s
Eider    1s
Little Gull    13s
Common Gull    11s
Kittiwake    32s
Common Scoter    7n   1s
Velvet Scoter    2n
Little Auk    1n   2s
Shelduck    4s

After lunch it was up to Druridge Bay where the Black-necked Grebe was showing well at Ladyburn Lake until spooked by a dog-walker feeding the ducks.

Black-necked Grebe
At Bell's Farm the flood was covered in waders, but not the Dowitcher or Ruff that had been there a few minutes earlier. There were 7 Black-tailed Godwit, a few Knot and a Grey Plover amongst the commoner stuff.

A very peed off looking Barn Owl was out in the rain at Cresswell. It must be really struggling to feed, with everywhere waterlogged.

At Backworth the Green-winged Teal was glimpsed through the reeds, but despite a bit of a splodge there was no sign of a Jack Snipe.


  1. hi rob i dont think we have met but i do like your blog it was your little pal russell that told me about it so i have it on my book mark bar i just wondered have you seen anything of him i have not seen him since the summer he was always up the derwent when the osprays were in if you bump into him just tell him graham ward was asking after him thanks rob

  2. Hi Graham, Not seen him either, I've tried giving him a knock , but no sign. I'll try again.
