Sunday, 19 July 2015

Petrel Stop

Popped down to Whitburn last night to watch the Storm Petrel ringing. Only stopped for an hour as it was way past my bedtime, but managed to see one get caught and ringed. Amazing to see how small they are. A crap shot from myself and a couple of good ones by Lee Harris.

Storm Petrel
Thanks to Lee Harris
Thanks to Lee Harris
Gateshead was quiet this morning with a Dunlin and the 27 Black-tailed Godwit at Shibdon. At Costco I found this wasp that I think is Ancistrocerus gazella (pretty rare up here). Thanks to Joe and Darren for id.

Anicistrocerus gazelle
The sun came out late this afternoon, so popped down to Winlaton Mill and had 2 White-letter Hairstreak nectaring on thistles.

White-letter Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak and Soldier Beetle


  1. I've had that species of wasp near the QE hospital on a conservatory this year, great insects!
