News of a Red-necked Phalarope at Grindon Lough got me out of bed, but unfortunately it didn't stop long and flew off at 8am. Luckily the finder put out the negative news promptly and I was able to turn round at Wylam. Rather than fight through the morning traffic I popped up to Bradley Fell. A small copse here held Spotted Flycatcher last year and immediately on arrival I could hear one calling. It took another 15 mins to locate one, then two flitting through the tree tops. Difficult to get a photo, I managed a record shot when one stopped in the gloom under the canopy.
Spotted Flycatcher |
Just up the hill I stopped at another traditional site and was welcomed by a singing Tree Pipit. Thirty years ago both species were easy in Gateshead, now barely annual.
Tree Pipit |
Sounds like a good day.