First up was to Gibside to try for the Crossbill that Sacha had heard yesterday. A pleasant stroll in the sun with Buzzard and Red Kite displaying overhead and just as I got close to the bird hide I heard the 'chip chip' of a small party of Crossbill. A few minute wait and 2 male Crossbill dropped into the trees in front of me. Walking back to the car I heard another small flock, high in the pines.
Crossbill |
Following an unsuccessful trawl around Gateshead I got a text from Brian S to say he had a Little Egret at Lamesley. Kicking myself as I'd just left Lamesley, I dropped back down to see the bid hunched down on the bank of the Team. It flew from here to the flash pool for some distant photos.
Little Egret |
This evening a tweet from Lee H got me back up to Burdon Moor where the Stonechat was waiting for me on the fence line. I hung until dark fell, but the Woodcock weren't roding in the cold wind.
Stonechat |
Great to have the birds lined up for me, but hopefully I'll find something myself!
George has had a Herring Gull at Shibdon that was ringed at Rufforth on 26th February. Hopefully a Caspian Gull will follow.
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