The year started with the relative freedom of Tier 4. A couple of seawatches and a trip up into Northumberland got the year off to a flying start. Some decent birds with Hawfinch, Egyptian Goose, Smew, Ruff and Black Redstart the pick.
Hawfinch at Abbey Mill, Morpeth |
Black Redstart at Newbiggin |
Unfortunately, full lockdown kicked in and I was restricted to Gateshead. The restrictions have, however, meant that a few decent local birds have been unearthed.
Mandarin at Swalwell |
Glaucous Gull at Stella |
Pintail at Shibdon |
Siskin at Watergate |
Barnacle Goose at Derwenthaugh Staiths |
Greenshank at Derwenthaugh Staiths |
Iceland Gull at Stella |
Little Owl |
A few other bits and bobs unphotographed include skeins of Pink-footed Geese, Barn Owl, singing Chiffchaff, Pochard, Goldeneye and plenty of Woodcock.