Yesterday a trip to Whittle Dene after work to fill a gaping hole in my British list- Night Heron. ' In view' as soon as I arrived. High up in the canopy of a pine belt, views were less than satisfactory.
Night Heron |
After a two and a half hour wait it took flight and landed in the open, but only a silhouetted arty shot available.
It then headed off high to the north before returning south, giving cracking flight views as it tried to evade the angry attention of a Grey Heron, several gulls and Common Tern, plus at one stage a Swallow.
The day had started off with a Common Sandpiper and juvenile Water Rail at Shibdon before work.
Seawatching over the last week or so gave the first adult Long-tailed Skua of the year and some year-tick Sooty Shearwater. The star of this morning's watch a summer plumage Black Guillemot heading south.