A tremendous day's seawatching from Whitburn today. The first standout bird was a Cory's Shearwater that went north at 08.28. Distant and occasionally difficult to follow as it was swallowed by troughs I was able to get the other two lads onto it, for by far the latest Cory's past the Obs. We assumed this was the large shearwater flagged up off Long Nab yesterday.
Duck numbers started to build up, most noticeably the biggest Eider passage for ages. A 11.03 Dave continued to follow a flock of 8 north and alerted the now full Obs, with plenty of shouting and swearing, to the third bird in the group. Smaller than the other seven, more black on the back and a blue head, my first King Eider in England and a massive pull-back after missing the bird on 23rd October.
Loads more was happening, with excellent numbers of ducks, 3 species of diver, plus Shorelark and Snow Bunting in-off. Full results
Back in Gateshead the Whooper Swan was still at Lamesley and the 100+ Waxwing still at Whickham.
Waxwing |