The week started where it left off on Sunday. Cetaceans were the stars again of Monday's seawatch with 12+ Bottlenose and 5 White-beaked Dolphin, backed up by a couple of Harbour Porpoise. Star bird was a Mediterranean Gull that flew past, close in. Full results
Butterfly and dragon hunting on Monday and Tuesday was surprisingly disappointing with red-hot, sunny weather failing to coax them out.
A trip up to Aberdeen on Wednesday and Thursday was planned to get better views of the White-winged Scoter. A Surf Scoter was seen within a few minutes, but despite many hours in almost constant heavy rain the target couldn't be found among the much-diminished Scoter flock. Good crack, so not a wasted trip.
At Shibdon on Friday night a Little Egret spent some time on the tree covered island. A single Snipe was the first of the autumn and a pair of Oystercatcher had brought their single fully-grown chick to feed at the pond.
Little Egret |
Today was seawatching from Whitburn, before the chaos of the airshow. A flat sea and full early cloud meant good viewing with a good movement of Little Tern. 14+ White-beaked Dolphin spent a fair while in view, with one enjoying itself, constantly breaching. Full results
White-beaked Dolphin |
I ended up this afternoon at Derwent Reservoir where there were 2 Greenshank, but only single Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper. An Osprey flew the full length of the reservoir to have a half-hearted look for fish while hovering high in the sky. A family party of Spotted Flycatcher were by the hide.
Osprey |
Emerald Damsel |
The Little Egret was at Shibdon again tonight along with a Shoveler. 2 Grasshopper Warbler were still reeling at Burdon Moor.