Proper easterlies this morning made for an excellent seawatch at Whitburn. 33 Pomarine Skua , including two flocks of 8, were the highlights.
Little Auk 279n
Red-throated Diver 11n 5s
Long-tailed Duck 1n
Long-tailed Skua 1 probable distant south
Little Gull 1s
Arctic Skua 1n
Eider 1n 3s
Common Scoter 21n 4s
Pomarine Skua 33n
Woodcock 1n
Bonxie 1n
The Water Pipit failed to show at Whitburn Steel, with just Rock Pipits below the cliffs. A Little Auk briefly joined a flock of Starling before peeling off and heading high inland.
Little Auk heading inland |
Another go for the Siberian Stonechat at Cleadon was eventually successful. Unlike the two previous, very showy, Sibe Chats that I've seen, this bird spent an hour and a half skulking in deep cover. Good, but brief, views were had, although no chance of a photo. A Stonechat and a flyover Short-eared Owl were also here.
Another unsuccessful try for the Water Pipit (where a Pomarine Skua flew over head) was curtailed by heavy rain and I headed for home.